Saturday, March 30, 2019


Do you ever wonder why someone likes you or rocks with you the way that they do? Why they hang out with you? Why they wanna talk to you? What is it about you that's just so special? If you say you don't, you're lying. Lol. I often wonder, esp as of lately. Some people think I'm just this nice, goal oriented, quiet young woman. Others could think I'm mean and unapproachable. Most would say that I'm cool, laidback, and reserved. Which of these are true depends on the day. ..

All I want to do is stay mysterious, drink water, mind my business, and live my life. Why mysterious? Because I think its cool when people don't know a lot about you. You leave much up to the imagination of folks. I like that idea a lot. Think whatever you wanna think about me. But wait, in the back in my mind...what DO you think about me? Should I care? Why do I even want to know what someone else thinks about me?
I'm entering a new chapter soon....31. And, I'm learning more and more NOT to care what people think. I can say that I haven't cared what anyone else says about me. But to be honest, that's a lie. We all care to a certain degree.

With age, maturity and wisdom...comes freedom. Freedom to be our authentic selves. For some it comes easier than others; and for those others...well who's to say...🤨

The more we experience life with trials/tribulations...we grow, we evolve, and LIVE. Living unapologetically means you are YOU at all times. You don't care who has something to say, esp if it's negative. You shine your light regardless. You find your truth and revel in it. I'm still learning but I like who I'm becoming....

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It Never Ends

Some days are better than others. And some days are just blah. Alotta things have changed the last couple of months, and some things have stayed the same. Although I'm feeling lighter these days...some things stay the same. Like a continuous cycle of whatever that may be. For me, it is finances, self doubt, and my health. You know my therapist often talks about creating new neuropaths for ourselves and leaving the old one behind. It's ridiculously hard. When all you've known the better part of your life is...dysfunction and being in purely survival mode.

I am beginning to understand that it is all in your mind. How do I train my mind to think/speak/believe good things? Deep down I want success, love, happiness, peace, and freedom. But, how can I obtain these things if all my brain knows is negativity? This is a hard transition. For example, all the time I think of how I need to start living a healthier lifestyle and going to the gym. Of course the benefits would be great. However, all I can think of is the all the food I'll be missing out on. It's the same with studying for my A&P (license to work on aircrafts). I've already failed miserably TWICE. I have no motivation to study or even entertain the idea of accomplishing this goal. Because somewhere deep inside of me I am self sabotaging...and it's something I can't shake.

Knowing good and well....I've invested so much time, energy and MONEY into a life decision. Yet, here I am...90% done with this goal but I don't have it in me to actually finish. I still can't figure out if this something that I REALLY don't want to do or if I'm just really afraid that I CAN actually succeed. Self sabotage at it's finest. To be honest, I think I am afraid because I've been struggling since I turned 19. With no one to push me...all I've ever had is myself. Sometimes that's not enough. There are so many thoughts of doubt in my head but I somehow have to overcome it.

My therapist basically told me I owe to myself to finish this task. I've given her all the reasons why I don't want to finish this goal. And, she's still not tryna hear it. 🙄 lol. So she wants me to create a new neuropath for myself. It is beyond difficult speaking and believing positivity into your life, when all you know is the bad. Could I possibly be this dense to somehow think that deep down, I don't deserve the good in life? The answer is yes.

I just begin with self and truly understand that I DO deserve all the great and amazing things life has go offer. So, I guess the first step is actually believing it. Next would be beating up my old toxic neuropath way of thinking. And after that going after my goals, knowing that I am capable of doing/accomplishing anything that I set out to do.
Sitting here typing this is a lot...but I think I needed to see this in real time so I can process.

I'm learning to celebrate all that we are and any small victory that comes our way. So the fact that I actually pulled out my study guide today and my old test papers speak volumes. Pray for me, while I continue to beat down my own dysfunctional patterns/behaviors and create new neuropaths for myself and allows me to see I am CAPABLE.

Friday, March 15, 2019


Idk what it is lately. I've been feeling light hearted, and not so much stressed out. For months now, I've been saying that I'm in a weird space but I guess I'm just growing. Also, understanding as humans we can only do so much. Everything doesn't always go our way. My therapist told me to "entertain the gray". I told her I'm normally a black or white person, and there's no gray. I'm an either "it is or it ain't" type of person. But, I am consciously learning how to accept and entertain the gray. I have a few things I wanna work on but I think I'm okay for the time being. I pray that I stay this way. I've always known that I have a light about me & some people are drawn to that. I get it now. I do. It seems as though my light is becoming brighter, and I like it. I'm not perfect by no means... but if I can be a light to those around me, why not? It's weird tho. Subconsciously I'm tryna find something to worry about it, but my spirit won't let me. I'm just at peace and I'm really ok. Working on a better version of yourself is always the move. Now I'm starting to reap the benefits. Still gotta long way to go...but I'm up for it.