Do you ever wonder why someone likes you or rocks with you the way that they do? Why they hang out with you? Why they wanna talk to you? What is it about you that's just so special? If you say you don't, you're lying. Lol. I often wonder, esp as of lately. Some people think I'm just this nice, goal oriented, quiet young woman. Others could think I'm mean and unapproachable. Most would say that I'm cool, laidback, and reserved. Which of these are true depends on the day. ..
All I want to do is stay mysterious, drink water, mind my business, and live my life. Why mysterious? Because I think its cool when people don't know a lot about you. You leave much up to the imagination of folks. I like that idea a lot. Think whatever you wanna think about me. But wait, in the back in my mind...what DO you think about me? Should I care? Why do I even want to know what someone else thinks about me?
I'm entering a new chapter soon....31. And, I'm learning more and more NOT to care what people think. I can say that I haven't cared what anyone else says about me. But to be honest, that's a lie. We all care to a certain degree.
With age, maturity and wisdom...comes freedom. Freedom to be our authentic selves. For some it comes easier than others; and for those others...well who's to say...🤨
The more we experience life with trials/tribulations...we grow, we evolve, and LIVE. Living unapologetically means you are YOU at all times. You don't care who has something to say, esp if it's negative. You shine your light regardless. You find your truth and revel in it. I'm still learning but I like who I'm becoming....