Like usual, I'm doing too much. My mind won't turn off or turn down. The wheels keep spinning like some 24's. Alotta good things happening. Alotta uncertainty. Alotta faith. Alotta strength. Alotta patience. Alotta exhaustion. I wish those that knew me could live inside my mind for a day. There's no way to exactly explain anxiety or how it makes someone feel. Imagine ALWAYS being worried, constantly overthinking, feeling nervous and being obsessed with choices you make. This is everyday life for me. I can't turn this shit off.
I've just learned how to function while dealing with it. How do you become free? I think I've been this way my whole life. I've always been a worry wart. It's just come full fledged in my adulthood and I never had a name for it. Working non stop, planning to move, planning trips, taking life day by da etc. Wanting/needing drastic changes in different areas of my life.... but don't know where to begin..
All of it is overwhelming. The only thing that remotely gives me peace is praying. At this point and time, I really wanna decompress, hit a beezy one time, and lowkey be a hippie that doesn't give a fuck.
but until then, I'll just vent and hope one day I'll be able to NOT overthink EVERYTHING.
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