Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Revelations 24:7

I remember the days when I hoped/prayed for what I have now. All I’ve ever really wanted is stability and a peace of mind. To have that is a blessing in itself. There’s so much chaos going in the world; that I just wanna take a moment to reflect. I don’t have a lot, but I’m appreciate for what I do have. Cuz I remember the days that I didn’t and I yearned for it. And I know that I can only go up from here. I’m simple and I don’t require a lot to be happy. Although, I understand that happiness comes from within. I’m diligently working on it. And I think the first step is acknowledging what I’m grateful for. Everyday isn’t peaches & cream... but I look at the bigger picture and that keeps me optimistic, as well as encouraged. To look around and know that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, a decent car, endless opportunities and seemingly healthy. Blessed. 

Peace & love. All ways. Always.