Sunday, May 31, 2020


SHHHH!!! Currently at the gig sorta kinda lowkey hiding out. There’s not much to do on the weekends... and it’s also slow motion, which I prefer. I’m sleepy because obviously I didn’t get much sleep. Duhhh McFly! 🙄 I’m sippin on a Redbull and it’s definitely not giving me wings. I can’t wait to go home to chill for the day and catch up on some rest. (HOPEFULLY). In the meantime, I’m really doing my best to stay off of social media because there’s so much going on in the world and in my city. Just the images and the words are too much. It’s almost as if I’m overwhelmed. Someone once said that sensory overload is real... and they ain’t never lied. 

It’s difficult not to stay informed in times like this, but very necessary. Idk what to do with myself. I should finish off the books I have stacked up at home, but I never have the focus to finish reading. I normally end up going to sleep. Lol. I wish I could just dip off for about 2 weeks or so and just CHILL. But with COVID-19, safety/travel/health concerns AND these protests/riots?? I’ll just have to be satisfied with going to work and coming home. 

Side note: I was going through some of my old blog posts and maaaaaaannnnn I have been THROUGH IT the last couple of years; specifically 2019. However, I’ve also grown tremendously and for that I’m extremely proud of myself. One thing hasn’t changed tho, which is the motto: 🗣 DAY BY DAY. The world is so crazy now, you have to take it day by day just to keep some type of peace and sanity. Otherwise you’ll go crazy tryna prepare or predict the future. I’m working on being more present in the PRESENT. I’m the big age of 32 and a lot more things make sense these days. I don’t worry as much as I used to. I always stay in my lane. I love people that love me. (I’m working on the people who I don’t 😂). I’m cooking more. 😳 and, the most important one: I’m diligently working on my happiness. 

Writing/blogging, sleeping, listening to my albums, and hanging out with my favorite people are what’s keeping me sane at the moment. I’ve always done my best to be appreciative for the simple things in life. Cuz when you’re appreciative for the little things, more blessings will come unexpectedly. Like the homie J. Cole said, “Love Yourz”. 

love. all ways. always.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


I should definitely be asleep because I have to work tonite. But, unfortunately I’m wide awake and hungry. Just laying in bed but I decided to go to my ‘vibe room’. Playing one of my favorite albums by SiR. As always I have epiphanies. Alotta people know my family is pure dysfunctional. Many years ago I made the decision to just not be bothered and to stay in my lane. Life is much easier when you choose to put yourself first. And while it is easier, many would say it is selfish. 

Is it wrong of me to not wanna be bothered? Is it wrong of me to not wanna be involved with foolishness and chaos? Is it wrong of me to not wanna be wrapped in negativity? Just because they’re so-called ‘family’.... 
I know I’m not too good because they’re a part of me. I am them. They helped raised me. Sometimes I feel like I have put myself in the ‘too good’ lane subconsciously. I hopped on social media to see that my sister has been released from jail. And I’m just like oh she’s out after a couple of months. Realistically she needs to be in there and stay longer than 2-3 months. But I know her kids need her. If anything I feel bad for them because they haven’t had stability in some years. It’s always some drama going on with their mama. 

I’m not too good. But I have no desire to deal with family. I legit feel guilty. I guess that’s because many years ago... I decided to put myself and my peace FIRST. I worry about me and me only. Everyone has their own shit they have to deal with. I guess this is mine. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I want better for myself. I wish they did too. We all have to deal with life and the cards we’re left to play. I may not have the best cards, nor the best odds. However... I’m doing my damnest to win the game. If I don’t win.... just know I’ll have a helluva comeback. 

love. all ways. always. 

Whoa ‘der...

Life is interesting for sure. And God also has a funny sense of humor. Everyone knows (I think) that I’m asleep during the day because I work 3rd shift. For the past month or so I’ve been ordering way too many Amazon packages so I randomly get a knock on my door. Ironically today, I was half way woken up by the occasional knock. I received flowers. I knew they weren’t from my boo. I looked for a card on the beautiful bouquet of flowers. I read the the message and I was tryna figure out who they were from. I put 2 and 2 together. I believe they’re from a person that was once important to me. I still dunno how to feel about it. 

I’m appreciative of the sentiment. However, I’m not sure if this is an attempt to reconcile or what. I don’t want to reconcile our relationship. I don’t want to reconnect with someone that blatantly disrespected, violated, and overall has so no respect for myself, my environment, and even my mental health. I would however like to have a conversation... to get ALL of my feelings out in the most adult/mature way possible. I know that most likely I’ll never get a real apology. The timing is interesting. I don’t wanna overthink the situation. But in my mind... I’m thinking like, I got flowers... so what? What I’d like is an apology for the fuckery you did. Not only that, I would like for you to OWN what you did, acknowledge what you did, how it made me feel etc. I’m a grown woman. I can own my shit. I know who I am. I can effectively apologize. I can’t say the same for this person. 

I know I’ll never get an apology or a conversation that’s woman to woman. At the moment, I can’t say I fully forgive her. I need more time. Like I said, I appreciate the sentiment but that’s about it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I’ll always have love for you. I can never forget you. I pray that you can heal how you need to. And I also pray that God puts it on my heart to fully forgive you... but more so for myself. Thank you for teaching me certain lessons that I carry til this day. You should take heed and practice what you preach. 

love. all ways. always. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Lenny Kravitz

On this day 32 years ago, on a Monday was born. I just got done saying a prayer. I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve been doing my best to keep taking my own advice; which is day by day. So far, it’s been going pretty good. I honestly have no complaints. Things could certainly be worse. I’m just extremely grateful to be in my own space in MY OWN SPACE. For so long I’ve just wanted to be. Be free. Be myself. Be happy. Be loved. Because I’m an introvert and empath... all I ever wanna be is just BE. It makes sense in my head. Lol. I’m claiming that 32 will be the most awesome year yet. 

Happy muh’fuggin birthday to myself. 

love. all ways. always.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Spring Flowers

April literally flew by. And now, here it is May. You know what that means?!?!? My birthday is coming up. My 32nd birthday. It is 15 days away. 15 days!!! It is crazy. I used to often think of what my life would be like around this time. 🤔 Not so much, my 30s... but my 20s. How I thought my life would be... it def ain’t that. Lol. But, as always I’m thankful. With so much going on in the world... it’s more of a blessing to wake up these days. Anyhow. I’m not sure how to feel. Every year I do my best to do a self reflection and how I’ve handled the year thus far. Things I need to improve on, goals, working on my happy etc etc. I think in this moment, I’m happy. 31 was/is interesting. Some mistakes, alotta doubt, sadness, and uncertainty. BUT.... I always come out on the right side of things, even if it doesn’t feel that way. 

I’m a big 31... and I still do not feel like an adult. I definitely don’t look like I’m old enough to be grown. (*thanks Mom, for the good genes. 😉) I pray that 32 will include more growth, better decisions, greater opportunities, and of course all around happiness. One thing I have realized is... the older you get, you really do not give a fuck. Like at all. You are who you are, you do what you do and folks will just have to deal. That’s where I am. I feel like as long as I’m not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal, then we’re good. 🤷🏽‍♀️ In this realm, I’m becoming more of myself. That’s a good feeling. I just wanna keep living and enjoy life to the best of my ability. I’m not tryna have anything or anyone disrupt my peace or bring negativity this way. Miss me with the bull shit. I literally do not have the time. We are all on borrowed time. Why waste it being miserable, petty, negative, or dysfunctional? If it ain’t money, love, money or peace... I don’t want it. 

So, cheers to 32. Lessssgoooooooo!!!!!

love. all ways. always.