Monday, November 5, 2018

Skrong Words

I am indifferent to the bull shit. I feel no type of way about it. I am numb. I have NEVER worked for a company that has put me through so much is such a short period of time. I have never wanted to physically put my hands on someone. I've never had to fight for my livelihood or to clear my name over some dumb ass fuckery. Nor have I ever been this frustrated or tested by someone in a managerial position.

At this point I'm ready to quit. Even tho, realistically I'm not. 😐🙄😤 I've been questioning and doubting if this is the path I really wanna go down. All of the cliché sayings come into my head.

"It'll all be worth it in the end."
"Anything worth having, is worth fighting for."
"Everything happens for a reason."

FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK all uh that. I'm ready to chuck up the deuces and tell em to kiss my black ass. I just don't know man. I know journeys aren't supposed to be easy...but I feel like it damn sure shouldn't be this hard. ya know? Maybe this is God's way of testing my faith and my patience to see if this really FOR me.

I'm just exhausted. And, if there was another word for exhausted...I 👏🏽 am 👏🏽 that.

I'm bouta eat my Twizzlers and chill. Cuz I ain't going to work tomorrow. I'll just call it a mental health day. It's much needed...🤷🏽‍♀️

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