Friday, January 21, 2022

Tell It All

When we’re children, we have all type of dreams. Sometimes our dreams stay the same and sometimes they change. Or maybe your parents are trying to live thru you and they push their dreams onto you. Either way it goes, things change. When I was like 8 or 9, I got my first journal for Christmas, which was low key life changing. In middle school I figured out that I liked to write and enjoy creative things. I thought that I wanted to be a director, producer, or be in some type of field of journalism. In high school it was on and poppin! That’s when I was getting the composition notebooks and started writing poetry. I would occasionally share with friends, and think that it was so deep. 😂 but in reality, I wasn’t talking about anything. Eventually I stopped writing because I felt like my stuff was whack. I went onto experiment in different industries of work. I’ve literally done a little bit of everything. But, at the end of the day I’ve always had a passion for English. I once took an Etymology class and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I love using big words, especially when I want to prove a point or sound super smart. Lol. When I was younger I always felt misunderstood. It was like no one cared what I had to say. Or I didn’t have enough courage to speak up for myself. Writing is everything to me. You can take what you want from my words. Hopefully the person reading my work will be able to relate. It makes me feel free. Because I suffer from anxiety/depression… my mind is constantly on a hamster wheel and my thoughts just keep going around and around. It’s quite maddening and frustrating. When that happens, I choose to write. I saw this quote on Twitter that said, “Write for your life.” And it couldn’t of been said better. Writing has saved my life on many occasions. When I was in college, one of my mentors asked me when I was going to start writing again. I said I don’t have anything to say. She told me, “you always have something to say. You’re a writer and it’s always going to be in you.” She was absolutely correct. When someone reads my work and can relate? Omg… my heart explodes and makes me feel so good. Writing is cathartic, as well as my therapy. Even if no one else reads my work, I’m cool with that. I do it for me. At the end of the day I know my weapon, which is my pen. And once I write my thoughts down? I’m lethal.
love. all ways. always.

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